After leaving Soda Springs I was fortunate to run into my hiking friends Spud, Oasis, and Honey Bear and hike with them for the past week. The week was full of laughs. In efforts to pass entertain ourselves while hiking we spent hours playing various word games, making up stories, and laughing at Spud's expense. You see Spud had the brilliant idea to create the Nutella challenge. He walked 42 miles over two days from Truckee to Sierra City eating nothing but Nutella and a loaf of bread.  He may have loved Nutella before but by the time he cracked open his second 26 oz jar his heart rate was elevated and he felt terrible. His self-inflicted misery provided much entertainment. 

Our fourth day out of Truckee was a different type of day: a silent day. The four of us were all interested in trying a day with no talking, so that's what we did. To make things even more interesting we planned to hike our first thirty mile day. We spent most of the day around each other and when we ran into other hikers we held up notes we prepared to let them know why we were being awkwardly quiet. I noticed all the sounds of hiking and the woods accentuated. I realized how much I talk to myself and the strange little things I usually comment on.

Of course the day we decide not to talk is the first day, in hundreds of miles, that we crossed a road to find an RV, camp chairs and hikers being treated to trail magic by three trail angels. Another hiker, Three Bears, warned everyone and we silently enjoyed grilled cheese, Beatles' music and rest. We thanked them with a hug and continued our big day of hiking, full and amused. Our day ended with a huge descent to the Middle Fork of the Feather River. Spud and I Swam without talking and we all hit the sack, tired from a thirty-two miles, my longest day yet.

Continuing my tour of California I am visiting Quincy, where Spud's cousin Karen, her husband Craig and their son Leo have welcomed us into their beautiful home and are treating us all like family. A big thanks to them, I am continually impressed by the kindness and generosity of new acquaintances. For Karen's point of view check out her blog post about us.

7/18/2012 02:30:18 am

It sounds like the adventure is going well. I am so happy to see some of the places and emotions that have touched you.

Karl, I hope all continues to be wonderful on your journey.



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