If you have been hearing or reading California news, there are many forest fires burning due to the super hot, dry conditions everywhere. But Histo got out of the state before he was impacted by those. Now Oregon is burning. Yesterday Histo and other hikers were escorted by firefighters through a smoldering fire area, and the trail closed behind them. If you check the PCTA website you will find there are two more fires, one he passed through today most likely, and the other coming soon. In these cases the PCT is closed and there are detours around the fires. This is a whole new aspect of the journey, and a little surprising that it is hitting in Oregon (with more fires to come in Washington). It hasn't rained up there for a month; normally it rains pretty continuously in Washington. Here's hoping Histo and fellow thru-hikers will get around the smoke and dangerous fire conditions, and back to walking through beautiful forests soon.

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